‘Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.’

Today was a big day for me. I posted on social media about what I do. I have done it before but you would have to look for it to see it. I know that sounds trivial but it’s not like I have a “normal” job. Some days I wish I could tell people I … Continue reading ‘Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.’

Going for the Gold

I went to workout this morning (treadmill) and they had the Olympics on. I watched as the athletes nailed the triple axel in figure skating and owned the half pipe in snowboarding. Watching in awe as they made it look easy. The fluid movements and joy when they finished. It made me think. What was … Continue reading Going for the Gold

“Feelings, nothing more than feelings” or are they??

One of my favorite books is called  Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.  When I was in college we learned about the effects of internalizing our emotions.  Anger, sadness, regret and betrayal all settle in our bodies like clouds of energy. Each emotional cloud represents a place in the body.  Grief in the lungs, anger in … Continue reading “Feelings, nothing more than feelings” or are they??